The Memorial Hospital, CSSD Upgrade
To comply with the updated standards and requirements for Central Sterile Service Departments in South Australia, ACHA engaged SHAPE to deliver the staged upgrades to their existing department within The Memorial Hospital.

Client: Adelaide Community Healthcare Alliance Incorporated (ACHA)
Designer: Lucid Consulting
Client Project Manager: RPS
Delivery Model: D&C
Location: North Adelaide, SA
Duration: 6 months
Project Size: 400 m2

As part of the upgrades, ACHA also saw the opportunity to modify the existing layout of their CSSD and complete some additional upgrades to improve the overall service delivery within the hospital.

The scope of works included the installation of new sterilisation equipment and associated services, a new mechanical system and access doors, and a new sewer installation.

As the works took place within a busy live hospital environment, staging was necessary to complete the works whilst ensuring the hospital was not disrupted. To complete the works safely, SHAPE required all trades to establish a ‘bubble’ around their work zone and to be in scrubs to manage infection control.

The project involved a considerable planning period in order to undertake the sewer modification works, power disruptions and equipment installation safely. SA Health rated this project high risk due to the requirement of maintaining Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) operations and strict infection control.

SHAPE maintained an excellent working relationship with the hospital staff to ensure that both parties knew what each other was up to on a daily basis. Through this approach, the project was delivered whilst the hospital maintained full operations and nil unplanned disruptions.

Winner - Master Builders SA Building Excellence Awards 2022: Commercial Refurbishment / Redevelopment up to $5M

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