SHAPE makes waves for brain research, raising over $224k for Wipeout Dementia

On 24 March 2023, SHAPE helped to raise over $224k and counting alongside property industry leaders for the annual Wipeout Dementia event. This event raises money to support critical research into Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

In attendance for SHAPE was Phillip Wicks, General Manager of NSW, a six-time Wipeout Dementia participant. He battled the waves at Bondi Beach, along with 56 surfers from companies across the industry.

Phill says, “With the number of Aussies with dementia expected to double by 2058, it’s important to get behind this initiative and raise much needed funds for dementia research. Physical activity is one of the 12 WHO recommendations for reducing the risk of cognitive decline, so it’s great to participate with my industry colleagues in a physical and fun activity like surfing.”

Phill once again teamed up with Cliff’s Carvers. The team, sponsored by SHAPE, Morgans and Sense Projects, raised over $36k – taking third place as top fundraisers.

This year’s fundraising campaign supports The Dementia Momentum, a UNSW Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA) initiative which advocates for the research of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. It drives awareness, research and collaboration by bringing together philanthropists and corporates to invest in societal change through advanced research conducted at CHeBA. CHeBA has raised over $2 million towards critical research across 11 events since its foundation in 2015.

Find out more about CHeBA and fund its research here.

Congratulations to all the surfers that took part in this year’s event!

Physical activity is one of the 12 WHO recommendations for reducing the risk of cognitive decline.

Cliff’s Carvers Lineup – sponsored by SHAPE, Morgans and Sense Projects

Craig Rodgers (Captain): National Technical Operations Manager, Mirvac

Phillip Wicks: General Manager NSW, SHAPE Australia

Scott Anderson: Managing Director, Developed

Brett Eichhorn: Director, Sense Projects

Brett Newman: CEO, NSW Land Registry Service

Andrew Wilson: Director, Mantra Fitout Group

David Moffat: Managing Director, Cornerstone (NSW) Pty Ltd

Iain Macfarlane: Associate Director, TSA Management – Retirement and Aged Care, Social and Affordable Housing, Illawarra Development.

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